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This week, we've brought on Aaron Thorpe (@thotteusstevens) of the Trillbillies and A Time of Monsters podcasts, to discuss the British royal family and the recent Oprah interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. What is the deal with this institution? Why do British people simply accept this? Get it all explained here.



The interview with Oprah respawned for just the briefest moment the debate over Canada's relationship with the monarchy. I think really it was just a precursor to the bigger (and equally pointless) debate we'll have when the Queen dies and have to face the reality of Charles being our head of state and gracing our currency for a few decades. There's a very interesting aspect to the debate, namely that our sovereign territory is only recognized by treaty between various First Nations and the Crown, making our path to a republic, without reconciling centuries of genocide, impossible. But also a much more stupid debate, and thats the foaming at the mouth of a very cursed class of Canadians, the Royalists and Anglophiles, that still cling onto the opinion that Canada's place is part of the British empire and that we are the UKs special child that grew up responsibly. I think it would make a half-decent special Britainology episode to look at the Anglophiles abroad and how a really distorted vision of that miserable little island sustains itself in the former colonies.


I went down a Princess Michael of Kent rabbit hole a week ago you get the impression she never forgave her mum for deciding the huge communist army camped in her house was an indication that she should divorce her nazi husband move to Australia and become a hair dresser, so she goes around pretending to be be German when she grew up in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.


god we're gonna be stuck having Governor Generals for ever. Feels bad