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Riley had to move! Andrew has children! Many things caused the delays in this penultimate episode of the Boney Island Whitefish, but trust us: it was so boring as to be undiscussable. So instead, Andrew and Riley have a pleasant conversation looking back on the show and some elements of our own lives.

(This episode of our show isn't sucky, but the episode of Bones sure was!)




i initially couldn't remember whether i had watched any Bones when it originally aired, but watching this episode reminded me that i did see the one where bones and hodgins originally got kidnapped by the gravedigger. of course the only reason i remember it at all is due to the gruesome scene where bones has to relieve the compartment syndrome in hodgins' mangled leg by slicing it wide open without anaesthetic. i recall nothing else about that episode. it's a tribute to how inept and boring the episode under discussion is that the subplot in which booth has to prevent bones' dad from killing the villain with a sniper rifle doesn't even rate a mention


Can't hear a thing Riley says in this one, weird audio. :(