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Chest passes! Carefully aimed jump shots! Ball control without hot-dogging! That's right, Chapo Trap House's Will Menaker joins Andrew and Riley for an all-showrunner display of podcasting fundamentals. 

This week the brave technicians at the Jeffersonian-Medico Institute for Sexual Harassment are forced to investigate the cause of death of a very mysterious and influential historical figure! Deep respect for the boots of the American empire is sure to follow. 

We also spring a gotcha Breakfast Update on Will and plan our future endeavours running a Airbnb Blockbuster so that we can lecture teens about Michael Mann films. Enjoy!




Boney Island Whitefish is my favorite podcast


I have never watched this show in its entirety but much like Dave Anthony and Josh Olson’s podcast The West Wing Thing, there is no need to and you can let the hosts slog through the actual act of watching it and providing listeners the only insight that is needed for both shows. One show’s mythos has proven far more consequential to modern political discourse than the other but culturally, it may be a tie.