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For this month's first Britainology, we examine an unambiguously good (and strange) British crime film: Jonathan Glazer's 2000 debut SEXY BEAST. Why is the film so atmospheric and detached? Why is Ben Kingsley so good at being an ultra-geezer? Is the plot saying definitively that Ian McShane had to let James Fox top him in order to learn about a bank vault? All this, and more.



Przemyslaw Grzybek

Also, Don Logan is the Spain groups collective past. He has history with all of them, also he seems like the uncool kid that didn't fit in with the group because he was a psycho 😄 Gal impressed him with his physique and the birds loved him, his wife was a porn star, Jackie stuck her finger up my arse in the middle of all that, and H the useless cunt, to Don he wanted to fit in with them, he wants what they have, lying in your pool laughing at me! I won't let you be happy why should I!


There's an introduction by Ray Winstone to a BFI screening of Sexy Beast on Youtube, interestingly he says that what the script really captured for him was the difference between a gangster (Don Logan, Teddy), and a Thief (Gal).