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November and Riley have read another book - a piece of highly fictionalised reportage on the collapse of the Ethiopian Empire in 1974. It's a book about court politics, political theatre, and state (de)formation. Inevitably, our thoughts turn to our own crumbling polity at the end.

(Technically, this is April's second LoR!)


Jamie Evenstar

I've been reading Cadillac Desert (just got it today) and I'm sure it'll appear here sometime. That sense of impending doom, the downfall of a once proud empire, it's gonna happen first in the desert. I feel like Cassandra telling my sister to get the hell out of Arizona while the getting is good, but it feels deeply weird knowing that I'm living at the end of an age. I'm glad so many of these episodes have touched on this feeling, this theme because I think if you really pay attention, it's inescapable. I still remain optimistic that whatever new world emerges from this imperial decline is gonna be a better one. If nothing else, if the world ends, being right and winning that bet is meaningless. I dunno. I look around, knowing in my bones and in my mind that this shit can't possibly last, the numbers just don't work and I wonder how long it'll be.

Uriah Wilson

I semi- often think about my last purchase at the grocery store. I’m almost certain it’s not going to be flour or bread or canned beans or anything you’d expect- no, it’s definitely going to be the worst flavor of the most obscure energy drink. The type of thing that’s too gross for even the looters


Novembers pronounciation of Polish surnames getting better and better