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1.) I placed the lot and there were rainbow/purple colored items with question marks on them...

This means that you're missing the texture files for that object. Some CC creators, namely Peacemaker, separate the textures from their meshes. Since the separate texture file is not actual CC placed on the lot, Tray Importer won't recognize it as a file to include in my download. If this happens, go into Build Mode, take note of the item(s)' name and do a quick Google search to locate its original download post. Ex: you have trouble with Peacemaker's Austere Windows. You'd Google "Peacemaker Austere Build Set" and find its original post. Then download the set directly from the creator. Open the zip or rar file. Locate any package files that have "texture" in its file name. Drag ALL of them into your Mods folder. Repeat for each offending item, if they are not all from the same set. 

2.) When I placed the lot, a notice popped up that I was missing x amount of items...

Make sure that you're placing my builds with bb.moveobjects cheat activated. If I use a pack that you don't own, the game will replace those items with base game substitutes and if there aren't any suitable substitutes, it will remove the item(s) altogether. If you have the packs and placed with bb.moveobjects on, check your Mods folder. Check for duplicates or organize it in a way that allows your computer to easily identify duplicates (mine is organized by creator name). Sometimes the issue is that files are buried too many folders deep and the game can't read them. I don't recommend dragging folders from my, or anyone else's downloads, straight into your game folder. Open them up individually and drag the files from each creator folder one by one. It is more time consuming, but definitely saves you a headache if/when something goes wrong! 

3.) My Sim won't sleep in the bed, sit on the chair or cook in the kitchen..

This is the "down side" to the way I design - some of the of the very pretty decorative items can render functional furniture useless. If a piece of clutter has a footprint (the coding that tells a Sim whether or not to walk through an item), then it will block the Sim from accessing whatever else is around it. I try to manually remove most footprints via Sims 4 Studio, so be sure to use whichever version of the CC item that I upload with the build. If I didn't remove it myself, just delete the item in build mode. The culprits are typically food clutter in kitchens and pillows or blankets on sofas/beds. 

4.) When I try to load my household, I get an 132 error message and can't access the house...

It's unlikely that this will happen with any builds posted after November 2019, because I test my builds for this specific purpose. This error code is due to slots on furniture - which allows us to place clutter on top of things. A recent patch introduced this issue and EA has not fixed it. In the past, there was no limit to how many slots an item could have and for years, CC creators made their items accordingly. The patch randomly put a limit on the # of slots, which makes a lot of CC surfaces difficult to use. To find the culprit, go into build mode & look for bookshelves or surfaces that you can place a lot of clutter on. Start by deleting the stuff on those objects until you get to a point where you can access the household in live mode. If you notice that I have removed items from shelves (like the English Country Estate), it is for this reason.

5.) I placed the house and the windows/doors are "stuck" - I can see that they are there but I can't see through them. I can see the outline but the glass is filled by the wall.

This is a glitch and it even happens to me while building. Just simply go into game, grab the window and release it (hit "esc" key on your keyboard). It resets the windows or doors. 



Has the crashing with the NYC lot been resolved yet?


hello! i see your diamond tier says sold out. how do patrons gain access to your builds? will it be possible to pledge in the future?