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If you ever wondered why Nigel's finisher is called the Jawbreaker Lariat, this is where that comes from! It's the blow-off match in the rivalry between Nigel McGuinness and Jimmy Rave, and these two go all out. Especially Nigel, who attempts to end Jimmy Rave's career multiple times in this one. These two are really like that!!!




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Fucking love that the boys hype up the lariat and I still couldn't have expected it to hit that fucking hard


I had to revisit, please watch peligro abejas vs young bucks vs cutlers for watch this!


ROH got them THX logo sounds


I hate to break kayfabe, but on the Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana (Art of Wrestling Episode 35 Jimmy Rave), Jimmy Rave told Colt about how it was actually Samoa Joe who broke his jaw a few weeks before this match, but because he kept wrestling after the Joe match it just exacerbated the injury. Either way, this is an incredible match; Jimmy is the most underrated heel wrestler and Nigel's 2005-2008 run was godly