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The irresistible force meets the immovable object. A fight that somehow happened in our timeline, we go back to 2016 where one of the most insane match-ups in MMA history took place. Two street fight, backyard brawl legends in Kimbo Slice and Dada 5000 step into the cage to battle it out. They don't make them like this any more.




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Kimbo tested positive for steroids so the fight was ruled a no-contest. He then died 4 months later.


3:17 HEATH MILLER in the lower crawl?! OH BABY


I will never forget watching this live. I can't describe how horrifically bad it was, even now having rewatched it. All time infamous fight. RIP Kimbo, man. Also, no one remembers Royce Gracie vs Ken shamrock because it went less than 2 and a half minutes after Royce kneed Shamrock in the balls (no ref call) and took him to the ground for a TKO in the first round.


The Gracies stopped Big John from competing in the early UFC because they knew he'd beast thru it. that's mostly true.

Teamy The Team Monster

Fight sucked so bad, I looked at the soccer scores on the bottom. Frankfurt/Hamburg went to a scoreless draw? Be better than what I just saw

Cad and Brothers Basham. HOTDOGS! COLD DRINKS!

You gotta watch James McSweeney vs Wes Shivers on TUF 10 episode 2. It might be the worst fight of all time. Rashad Evans in the corner is literally screaming for his fighter to push forward against a guy (juiced out of his mind btw) who literally cant stand up from exhaustion and he keeps running away from him.

Dave K

this fight was reffed so bad, there were like multiple occasions where Big John could've stopped the fight due to no defense either way. I swear both of them took like 3 KOs a piece in one fight.


had to come back here after the deadies victory

Penis Style

They were punching in their dreams in that one