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Stone Cold Steve Austin planted a Rattlesnake backstage and threw Triple H in the room with it on Monday Night Raw. Now, Triple H shows up on SmackDown! with a giant snake bite on his face. He tells everyone that wrestling has changed and it’s not worth his life. Triple H is going to hand over the WWF Championship to Stone Cold and retire at the end of the night. Or is he brother… Also, Mick Foley convinced The Rock that Rock 'n' Sock Connection needed to have one final match before The Rock goes off on his big singles career. The Main Event is The Rock & Mankind vs The New Age Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Titles. Chris Jericho fights Mr. Hughes, Jeff Jarrett gets ready for his “Good Housekeeping match” with Chyna, and the Terri Invitational Tournament continues with the Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian. Plus, the DEADLOCK Q&A Returns!



Revisiting WWF SmackDown! 1999 Triple H Bitten By Rattlesnake | DEADLOCK Pod

Stone Cold Steve Austin planted a Rattlesnake backstage and threw Triple H in the room with it on Monday Night Raw. Now, Triple H shows up on SmackDown! with a giant snake bite on his face. He tells everyone that wrestling has changed and it’s not worth his life. Triple H is going to hand over the WWF Championship to Stone Cold and retire at the end of the night. Or is he brother… Also, Mick Foley convinced The Rock that Rock 'n' Sock Connection needed to have one final match before The Rock goes off on his big singles career. The Main Event is The Rock & Mankind vs The New Age Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Titles. Chris Jericho fights Mr. Hughes, Jeff Jarrett gets ready for his “Good Housekeeping match” with Chyna, and the Terri Invitational Tournament continues with the Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian. Plus, the DEADLOCK Q&A Returns! ⦁ Deadlock Discord: https://discord.gg/E4BvR4W ⦁ Deadlock Shop: https://shop.deadlockpw.com ⦁ Deadlock Patreon: https://patreon.com/deadlockpw ⦁ Deadlock Twitter: https://twitter.com/deadlockpw ⦁ Deadlock Instagram: https://instagram.com/deadlockwrestling ⦁ Deadlock Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/deadlockpw ⦁ Deadlock Pro Wrestling: http://deadlockpro.com #deadlock #prowrestling



Just Steve uce.


You guys watched the snake bite segment during a watch this


Hey I just became a patron not too long ago and am binging the pod whenever I’m at work and I was on the one where y’all talk about the MITB 2020 and how DDT did a match similar but I can’t find it to save my life and the way pulse was described it it sounds really entertaining so I was wondering if you could or anyone could tell me what the match was called and where I could find it plz