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It's about that time! It's DEADLOCK Q&A Week. Leave a comment below with a question for the next episode of the DEADLOCK Podcast!

You can ask questions about anything. Whether it's about DEADLOCK, the world of wrestling, outside of wrestling, video games, or something for us to yell at each other about.

We'll pick the questions that stand out the most, and answer them on the next edition of the DEADLOCK Podcast. Also, make sure to LIKE other questions that you are interested in hearing the answers for!




Hello the boys who may or may not be back in town, I am posting this after a great show call Worlds Strongest, I took my dad to see the show and he knows nothing outside of wwe and he had a blast kept saying if you guys come back to concord we are going to buy tickets because he needs to see more of that shit. My question is when are we gonna see that Calvin Tankman vs Bojack match? I want to see that more then I want to see Johnny do another booking sim game stream


If you had unlimited money what 3 wrestlers would you sign they don’t have to be currently active example the rock etc