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The year is 2004 and it’s the 5th Anniversary of WWE SmackDown! Kurt Angle has been dealing with The Big Show for a long time as he was thrown off the balcony and put out of action. Angle tells us himself that tonight we will see a moment that will live on forever in the history of WWE SmackDown! To get his revenge on The Big Show, Angle decides that he is going to shoot him! Angle pulls a Tranquilizer gun out, pulls the trigger and shoots Big Show in the back. He then pulls out the biggest scissors ever along with clippers and proceeds to shave the giants head! The boys get to finally talk about the infamous Heidenreich Michael Cole segment where he “reads Michael Cole poetry.” Billy Kidman is scared that he is going to hurt someone so he refuses to do the Shooting Star Press. Another featured moment is the School Girl Match with a twist. Plus, the best theme songs of Hulk Hogan!



WWE SmackDown! 2004 Kurt Angle Tranquilizes The Big Show & Shaves His Head - DEADLOCK Podcast

The year is 2004 and it’s the 5th Anniversary of WWE SmackDown! Kurt Angle has been dealing with The Big Show for a long time as he was thrown off the balcony and put out of action. Angle tells us himself that tonight we will see a moment that will live on forever in the history of WWE SmackDown! To get his revenge on The Big Show, Angle decides that he is going to shoot him! Angle pulls a Tranquilizer gun out, pulls the trigger and shoots Big Show in the back. He then pulls out the biggest scissors ever along with clippers and proceeds to shave the giants head! The boys get to finally talk about the infamous Heidenreich Michael Cole segment where he “reads Michael Cole poetry.” Billy Kidman is scared that he is going to hurt someone so he refuses to do the Shooting Star Press. Another featured moment is the School Girl Match with a twist. Plus, the best theme songs of Hulk Hogan! Support DEADLOCK on Patreon: https://patreon.com/deadlockpw Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/deadlocksub CONNECT Shop: https://shop.deadlockpw.com Website: https://deadlockpw.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/deadlockpw Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deadlockpw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deadlockwrestling Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/deadlockpw Discord: https://discord.gg/E4BvR4W #deadlock #prowrestling



Hell yeah


I literally just walked in the door after a cunt of a day at work at 10:03PM and I see an e-mail sent 10:02 notifying my of this episode dropping. I can't tell you how happy this had made me. Thank you fellas!


i think it was in a few other wcw games but the one i definitely remember hogan's tna theme song (or a version of it, at least) being in was mayhem. it was used as an nWo theme and funnily enough i'm pretty sure horace hogan has it in that game lmfao


Yes I am the one and only MASTER Blitzer

Malek Douglas

I legitimately associate Real American with Patterson and Brisco at this point. The Wood Master’s true theme is Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (With Quotes), dude.




So, fun fact the DSE that owned HUSTLE was also the former owner of Pride before they sold it to UFC.


that Hololive Hogdippers dude is one fucked fucker



Michael “the Mike” Mikzanin

I can’t believe Tony shaved down to just his mustache at one point! That’s dedication for truecity


Sounds like James has the best halloween handout style


yoooo that DoR2 Summerslam fatal-4-way beat my ASS as a kid 😭😭😭 i finally cleared it by editing the moves of the other three guys in the match (kane, christian, and ?) to have weak-ass moves with long ass animations so that i had more time to get out the cage!!

Richard Ives

John Cena had a match with Del Rio in a broken ring


This is the earliest Smackdown I can remember beat for beat, and I was 4 years old at the time.


Grew up on 06-08 Smackdown, still have zero tolerance when it comes to batista slander.


James' rendition of Hogan's TNA theme sounds like the ending theme to Dragon Ball Z


I'm watching 2002 WWE on the cock rn and even in 02 book was having some of the best segments and matches consistently. Kinda feels like he shoulda been in the main event scene with Triple H, Hogan, Angle, Taker and The rock


I think you guys should maybe do a video game review segment to have something to space out the theme song segment. Those discussions are always fun when they pop up.

Richard Ives

Can you do a Nitro review of Sting The Crow debut from 1996?