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OH MY! It's DEADLOCK Q&A Week! Leave a comment below with a question for the next episode of the DEADLOCK Podcast!

You can ask questions about anything. Whether it's about DEADLOCK, the world of wrestling, outside of wrestling, video games, or something for us to yell at each other about!

We'll pick the questions that stand out the most, and answer them on the next edition of the DEADLOCK Podcast! Also, make sure to LIKE other questions that you are interested in hearing the answers for!




When you guys book matches for DPW, do you work with the wrestlers to plan out the entire match or give them more or less free reign of the match and just have certain spots planned for storyline stuff.


Why you always hating on the bruvs? Why can't you let us eat our beans on toast in peace?


what's your guys' 'street fight gimmick' attire? thats like one of my favorite wrestling tropes


Firstly there's nothing wrong with beans on toast, now we've got that cleared up what's the consensus on what Fondle Me Elmo would use as a finisher? Gotta be the overdrive


My question is for James & Tony. Does James win or does Tony win in a shoot fight between James, Tony, & Johnny?


Do y’all like wrestling?


Will Jawnny ever talk about the time he had breakfast with Papa Shango and his son


You can only play 3 wrestling video games for the rest of your lives, what 3 are you choosing?


Could you go more into the finances of running a wrestling show? Not asking to just give numbers but what things are shockingly cheap, shockingly expensive, etc??