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Hey everyone!

Just an update here about the latest edition of SGH. We've, sadly, run into some issues with it, which is why it hasn't been uploaded yet (it was meant to go up a couple days ago, actually!). We ran into some major technical issues with it that were only found once the editing process began (and the show we watched was over 3 hours long!).

The audio on the SGH recording we did got really messed up (despite us having recorded a podcast and an episode of Watch This without any issues, computers are evil creatures), so we're currently trying to see if it is in any way salvageable.

We're extremely sorry about the delay, and hopefully we're able to still piece something together with this SGH, as it was an awesome episode, but we're not positive. We'll hopefully have an update for you in the next couple days, and if it is fixable, we'll try to have it out before the month ends. If we can't get it fixed, we'll try to come up with something else to make good for it (though it'd likely come in the next month).

We appreciate the support all of you give us in this tier, and we hope you understand, total fuckup that we're pretty bummed about. Again, super sorry about this!

- The Boys


Raven Price

There are multiple seasons of Power Rangers on the Youtube. Just sayin' ;)


Now you have to make Tony watch all of the Tournaments of Death


The boys never disappoint. I will simply wait…

Sampo Salo

That HUSTLE card is so fucked up and hyped. Hope you manage to salvage it :(

Richard Ives

Can you watch Undertaker vs Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 18? For me it’s an underrated classic


so no Hustle


Aw man, that sucks. Thank you guys for doing your best for us! Even if it sounds like RealPlayer, I'll watch it all the same!