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Hey everyone! Johnny here to give you an update on how SGH is looking for the next couple of videos. SGH 24 is going to be LIVE, as usual, on our Discord at 6pm ET, Friday April 29th. We have limited space in our Discord when we do these (150 spots) due to how Discord limits the amount of users that can watch a video person stream, so if you're planning on attending, make sure you are there right on time. If you end up not being able to make it into one of the streams, we apologize and we hope that the VOD holds you over!

Going forward, we're going to change SGH up a bit. The amount of people in the $10 tier is the most out of any tier we have, and I'd say that it's about a 10 to 1 in terms of how many people show up to the actual 'Live' portion of SGH (not a complaint, because Discord is annoying and we have that limit anyway).

A majority of you just watch the VOD, so for the next few SGH episodes, we are going record it not live, and have it uploaded for you afterwards (ideally at an announced date, we're working on that right now!). We have been looking for an alternate way to do this live for so long, and we're still trying, but for now this will be the path of least headache. We're also trying to figure out another 'Live' thing we can do to hang out with you all, so stay tuned for that!

We're also going to change up how we pick a show. We're going to field all of your suggestions below. Suggest any wrestling related thing you'd like us to watch for SGH 25 (which will go up in May), and make sure to LIKE suggestions you also would like to see as well. Then, from that thread, we will pick one of the many suggestions to watch. The person whose suggestion we picked, we will send a gift package of wrestling things and whatever else we can find as a reward for suggestions the winning show!

As always, thank you all so much for being apart of our Patreon, and this tier, and we hope you enjoy the crazy shit we got coming up. Suggest away!




skreets need you to watch okada vs omega 2 or 4


Watching some doofus YouTubers “react” to the Outsiders match at Hustle-3 2004, and now really need the boys to SGH that show. WMX7 was a lot of fun, but I think this hustle show would be iconic