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Happy Thanksgiving! Or, if it's not Thanksgiving where you are, heyhowsitgoin? Here is what we'll be reviewing on the next episode of the podcast!

We'll be discussing the November 25, 2004 episode of WWE SmackDown! You can watch it on Peacock!

Just so we don't have to make an extra post about it, we want to say thank you all so much for the continued support here on Patreon. We can't explain how much this Patreon has helped not only DEADLOCK, but us personally, and we hope that you continue to enjoy the stuff that we put out on here! It's been an insane year, and we're thankful that you've been along with us for the ride.




What you thanking us for support What You thanking us for support An An son thank you What thank you What I said Thank you What I said Thank you

Evil Jimmy Hart be like MOMMY

Less than 10 minutes in and I learn Dupree has a black eye because Bob Holly took liberties on him over a speeding ticket. Going to be a good episode