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It's that time of the week! Leave your questions below for us to answer on the next episode of the DEADLOCK Podcast!

You can ask questions about anything. Whether it's the world of wrestling, outside of wrestling, video games, or something for us to yell at each other about!

We'll pick the questions that stand out the most, and answer them on the next edition of the DEADLOCK Podcast! Also, make sure to LIKE other questions that you are interested in hearing the answers for!



Teamy The Team Monster

What is the most unnecessary music change in wrestling history?

Fat Ryback

Tony, how old are you?


Craziest figure federation moments from when u were kids


Best feet?

3 Hours of Monday Night Dick “The Cock” Johnson

What's your favorite Taker match that nobody really talks about? Been watching a lot of them this week and I forgot how good his match against Kurt was at No Way Out '06. Love you boys, even if Jawnny smells. <3


How many socks?


Is AEW just a ponzy scheme to get people to listen to FOZZY?


am i trippin or did james used to go by trey back in the day


Shoutout wikifeet


Can we get your favorite rob themes. Since that promotion is dead


Joey Janela hits each of you up via Twitter DM. Sadly it is not a dick pic, but instead he wants each of you to book a match for next years Spring Break show and to make it crazy. You're allowed to use up to 6 wrestlers in the match. You obviously can't use current WWE wrestlers or WWE lifers like Stone Cold, Undertaker, The Rock, etc. However, you can assume that Impact isn't stupid enough to run directly against them this year so their roster is available to use.


What is your absolute favourite wrestling belt, and if you could use any that has ever existed to feature in the DPW programming, what would it be? Fuck flies