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We have a winner! This Saturday (November 21st) at 3pm EST (2 days after this exact post!), we will be watching PWG "STEEN WOLF" in our Discord server with all of you in the $10 tier!

If you weren't able to join us for the previous edition of Sumn Gonna Happen Live, it's simple! Join our Discord server by clicking the link through your tier rewards, and be there on Saturday at 3pm EST to join in the SGH LIVE room where you'll hear us, as well as the #sgh-live room to chat!

If you're unsure how to connect your Patreon account to your Discord account, you can click this link ( https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#:~:text=Step%201%3A%20Log%20in%20to,role%20tied%20to%20your%20Tier! ) for instructions on how to do so!

See you Saturday!



Matt Rosa

Some real wrestling? LETS FUCKING GOOOO

Matt Rosa

I love the DDT stuff but I'm excited for some pure shit


Damn work gonna make me miss the live, gonna have to catch the vod bruddas 👉😔