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This show made us going adventure together with Rudy... really hope we get s2 announcement for sure

Manmeet Gill

Zenith is underwater and I think and that water animation was for her being unconscious.


Its sad that they rushed the Anime so much, the Animation was good and the OSTs too, which gave the Series Justice, but rushing a great Story like this so much is really something i dont like ( which is why i dont watched the 2nd Half of Season 1) If you read the Light Novels, it might be nice to see some Scenes animated, but overall, its depressing to see so many Things arent explained or left out.

Ryuuji Gremory

Being a Light Novel reader myself, and having actually watched the whole thing, I have to say I feel like you are exaggerating the issues of the anime adaptation. Did they skip things or let them unexplained? Yes, but mainly minor things and mainly they did it by simply glossing over it, so that it can still have happened and just wasn’t in the anime. E.g. Eris Goblin Slayer chapter, which was initially skipped to focus on the more important main plot but still happened and in fact it is already confirmed to get a full OVA to itself in March. And on the other hand they used some great visual story telling for some of the things they abridged and didn’t spell out. Could it have been better? Naturally it could have been, there were flaws and it can always be better, but it’s still a good adaptation. That’s simply how it is when transitioning from Light Novel to anime, the anime will never communicate as much information or go as deep as the Novel, that’s simply not possible. I don’t know what kind of high expectations you had for this anime but in terms of adaptation quality it’s already way beyond things like SAO, Youjo Senki, Mahouka Kokou, Overlord or Shield Hero. It’s one of the best Light Novel adaptations I have seen. You can feel that there was a lot of love and care put into this adaptation and on top of that comes some great voice acting, OST and animation, overall, it’s a good series even as standalone anime and even better if you have the extra information from the novel.

Ryuuji Gremory

We are told by Kishirika that Zenith is on the Bergaritt continent (the same one were Geese is traveling through a huge desert in this episode) and inside the Labyrinth city of Rapan though. The implication being that she is trapped in a Labyrinth, a "Dungeon".

Ryuuji Gremory

I would guess they might give us the announcement for the next adaptation when we get the Goblin Slayer Eris OVA in March 2022

Ryuuji Gremory

Eris holds Rudy in so high regard and puts him on a pedestal so much that it doesn't even cross her mind that he might misunderstand her intentions and be depressed because she left. She is convinced he understood what she meant when she wrote him that they aren't well matched, being that she is to dependant on Rudy and too weak to stand besides him as an equal, and that he knows that she will return once she has grown enough to be his equal. Rudy on the other hand has some serious problems with his self worth carried over from his past and doesn't think that highly of himself. He took Eris's "we aren't well matched right now" as he isn't good enough for Eris and that's why she left. Completely overlooking the whole "right now/yet" part of it and just feels abandoned, thinking it's over, that Eris simply didn't love him the same way.


Well the last part isn't that complicated, it simply means he left behind his past self. You guys seems to forgot the EP2 content where he was kicked out of the house by his brother and he became a saint class at that time.


Need to clarify some scene of the anime. 1. On the original world, Rudy was kicked out by his siblings because he didn’t attend to the funeral of his dad. 2. The Saint level magician they are talking about is Rudy, they mention it in in EP2 or 3 after Roxy taught Rudy the magic. 3. If you notice The scene of Zenith talking to Rudy, she tell Rudy to wake her up when everything was ready, then the scene starting to become dreamy, it means that Zenith is sleeping for some reason and she is waiting Rudy to rescue her(wake her up). Try my best to not spoiler, if anything was wrong please correct me. Thanks.


Rudeus Siblings kicked him out since not attending the Funeral of there Parents was the last Straw for them, they already hated him due to him not for attending School and Graduate from it, and being a Shut in and never searching for a Job. For Nr.2, yes as you mentioned it, Rudeus is a Saint Tier Water Magician after Roxy teached him that Spell.