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This had such a sweet ending y'all  :')  <3


Fire Force Episode 06 FULL REACTION!.mp4



I really wonder what is behind this all... it looks like ( and from what she said in this Episode) that Hibana was a 2nd Generation before that Incident, and when the Nuns all started to burn ( and those 2 didnt ) she awakend shortly after that her Fire Powers as 3rd Generation.. Joker also mentioned in Episode 3, that Shinras 3rd Generation Powers awakend after the Incident that killed his Mom... Im interested what is behind all this, i hope they give use Answers in the Near Future.


Again, like last video, not much point in me saying this now, but I’m gonna anyway. Hibana’s attacks were all flower names, just like all the nuns she grew up with. She had Clematis and Sakura, both names she mentioned in the flashbacks. Even now when she’s all crazy, she still thinks about her dead sisters whenever she uses her flames. Almost seems like she’s torturing herself or at least making sure she never forgets where she came from.