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For EP8: They cant and wont explain this in the Anime since they also want People to buy the Light Novels if they want more Information but also out of Time restriction. But the difference between Benimaru, Hakurou, Souei, Kurobe and Shuna who evoled into a "Oni" or more exact a "Bewitching Oni" which btw happend after Rimurus Harvest Festival ended and he awakend as a True Demon Lord, is that this Evolution fully returns them to their roots as Elementals, making them Spiritual Lifeforms similar to Dryads or incarnated Arch Daemons. They possess an immense amount of power comparable to that of (unawakened) Demon Lords, with nigh-unlimited lifespans as a result. Shions Evolution into a Wicked Oni, on the other Side, is something similiar, but still more the complete opposite since her Evolution gives her an essence that leans closer towards that of a Daemon rather than that of a pure Elemental. Before it gets to confusing: Daemons are the spiritual lifeforms like Diablo and his kin who live in a separate Realm, the "Daemon Realm" One more thing thing about Master Chef, its a Unique Skill and what the Anime never touched upon is that Skills often have Sub-Skills, and Master Chefs 2 sub skills are Certain Outcome and Optimal Action. -Certain Outcome: A heinous ability that directly alters the laws of the world, similar to an Ultimate Skill. It allows the user to freely change the result of an action or the state of an object into their desired outcome, no matter how improbable. It is possible to permanently alter the status of a living being or object to make an unnatural state their natural state, which makes any form of healing useless. The only way to counter this is to also be able to manipulate the laws of the world such as via Law Manipulation or an Ultimate Skill and then manage to overcome the user's will with their own will. -Optimal Action: Allows the user determine the best course of action in a given situation by allowing them to see through the flow of their movements. It also enables the user to perfectly recreate anything they've done once. For instance, as long as they have scratched an enemy, they can make their attacks always deal damage; or if they've defeated an enemy once, no matter how difficult, they can defeat them again with ease. Inferno Flame might have looked like nothing special, but in the LN it was mentioned that Inferno Flame is the ultimate Magic in Flame Spirit Magic. The user calls upon the power of an Elemental Lord of Flame to unleash flames hotter than Nuclear Cannon. This Magic utilizes Spiritrons, allowing it to pierce through virtually all defenses.

Manmeet Gill

20:40 Raphael wanted to take that attack so she can analyze that attack in duplicate. she is like a nerd for abilities. Also Diablo is stronger than current rimuru, he is as strong as if not stronger than Guy ( the red demon lord)