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Thrip asks so many questions!!! it's a plot point, but I mostly made it because I like writing annoying characters :D

I'm going to hijack my own post a bit and whisper at you that, if you're supporting my Patreon, you're now supporting yet another comic. I get these awesome ideas for comics now and then, and usually I don't do anything with the idea until some critical point where I think "oh, hm, yeah I guess I've got enough [info/ skill] to start on this now." I thought I'd never reach that point with this project in particular because of my art limitations, but I'm going to be teaming up with an artist I used to manage back when I was at Disney. He just blew me away with his style, and more importantly, with his stupid sense of humor. Perfect for horror comics :] So yeah, I've got the premise, he's going to be doing the art, and we'll be collaborating on the design/ drafting/ writing. We've both got some godawful ideas (if you've been reading my work you probably know I like inserting shocking things now and then) and are going to make a really great/ terrible comic. Best of all I'll be posting previews here and there as work progresses. Well, no, REAL best of all is, since I won't be doing the art, I will have another comic lined up for when MI finishes up next year. Two comics or gtfo, right

Anyways sorry to hijack, but we just started to get this new project off the ground this week and I'm super thrilled. Here's a taste of some of his older work, just to give you a sense of what's to come... 

Can't wait to share more with you!



Taylor Jones

Yesssssssss, more comicssssss

Alexandra Poston

His work is beautiful! I'm looking forward to both comics! Way to go :)