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I'm just gonna throw this up now since I doubt I'll be finished tonight. Check those amazing background placeholders *shift* *drag* Normally I draw in the background before flatting but I've been taking my productivity where it comes lately.

Sorry for the lag in comics, I've been crazy depressed this entire week, last week; no reason I can figure out, but trying to draw a comic with humor elements when you're not feeling it is like playing blindfold pin the tail on the donkey. A few people have noticed that the last few pages have been a bit confusing to read so I'm afraid to keep pushing if the outcome is noticeably worse. MY RADAR, compromised. Anyways! sorry for oversharing, but you guys are literally my employers so I feel like I gotta explain myself. I'm going very slowly but still working as hard as I can manage. 

(no asspat words necessary btw, not fishing for anything, this is just a communique from me to you)

In the meantime I'll post a few things tonight I've had sitting around, since it's Friday night and I'm spending it on the internet! I had planned to stream but I'm probably bad company right now, so I'll save it till Sunday. OK let's do some posts.



David Pablo Cohn

Hey - real friends are still friends when you're bad company. So sorry I'm so late to chime in here. But yeah, depression's an awful, insidious monster. And MI and TM continue to be magnificent, such beautiful storytelling, and such gorgeous art. Thank you for them!

Laura Stringer

"Asspat" is my new favorite term for well-intentioned platitudes. Thank you and god, do I know how that feels.