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I've been working on the next page for way too long and I'm still not done, so let's have some fake racists to distract from the irl racists for a few mins

The Carissi are pretty out there, both geographically and ideologically. They were physically separated from other peoples for a while by a large arid region between it and the north, and then later willfully separated by simply rejecting as many immigrants as possible. Eventually economic need for sweet, sweet steel trumped their xenophobia, but they are still far more partial to certain types of peoples (especially Santri folks without the nose pigmentation, who were eventually welcomed into Caris as an amusing novelty. They still very much disdain the other kind). Oh, and they really, really do not like the Pasori. 

The Carissi see the world as a value spectrum, with pure lightness at its center (God and the King) and darkness being more prevalent the further away you stray from the center. The furthest known peoples are the Pasori, who are also interestingly very swarthy and "crude" and darker featured, SO. Naturally they don't like those guys very much. The Pasori also have what the Carissi consider to be regressive features, being more compact and fatter and rounder, and culturally sort of animalistic. Luca is a good example of this, they hate him a lot and see him as being maybe (maaaybe) one evolutionary step above the beardog his tribe associates with. In the meantime, the Pasori think everyone who isn't another Pasori from their own tribe is a waste of air, so it's not a super respectful situation overall... but to their credit they never went down to Caris to do something about it. The Caris did go up North though, and ended up wiping out an entire tribe in their quest for cheap labor.

This was the genocide mentioned in Chapter 2, and most of Luca's dictatorship was built on the platform of getting back at Caris for their crimes against the rest of the world. I mean, really, can you blame him?




Duke BG