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This is pretty rough, but I really liked how the Meek bookmarks came out, and since these bookmarks make pretty good promo items I'm trying to get some Mare ones made in a similar style... this isn't done by any stretch, just me fiddling (it is still very unbalanced*), but I liked how it was looking so far so just sharing~ 

*And the shoptalk portion for people who care

Balance here means weight of black compared to the negative space shapes and weight of the thickness of the detailed areas compared to the bulky areas. Unlike the Meek bookmarks I wanted to stay away from a highlight color and use that in the contrast of the title instead, since TM has a white logo and MI doesn't. I figure I can make up for that lack of visual interest by adding in that grit texture that I use everywhere in MI. 

The parts that need obvious fixing is the weight of the black on the middle image, the weight of the black on top of the last image, and the lack of followthrough of the angular thing in the middle image. Since water is sort of not angular at all and because this set of images doesn't have the same degree of graphic edge that the Meek set did, I'm probably goingn to correct by softening the straights and angles to be more organic, and possibly raise the waterline so there isn't so much activity in the middle of that blue one. And some other adjustments but whatever I'll share that once I'm done, haha. 




So I like the nod to the Hanged Man tarot card for Mike there.

Shannon O'Connell

At first I was thinking "Man, Mike's doing a fancy dive" and then I remembered chemoclines are a thing.... why am I like this XD