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Supplement for $10+ Patrons right here 

Well, here it is, the last half of the Patreon tutorial series~ and the last bit of everything I know about building, messing up on, and correcting Patreon campaigns. A lot of this information seems to boil down to "know thyself," which is the hardest part! I tried to keep the info general because the best success you're going to see is when you understand exactly what it is that makes you unique :]

Anyhow, let me know if you have any questions! As usual, the supplement will be up soon and has a bunch more practical situation tests and questions that will hopefully help you understand what strategies work best for You. 

I'm putting up something else up for $10 folks now tho, so will throw that up in a second.

Oh yeah, a video of ants doing that thing 

Hope you liked this series and thanks for looking~

Patreon Tutorial Series



Marla Morgan

I think I first discovered you through your tutorials. I always get excited when I see a new one, especially these ones on Patreon. Thank you so much. These are like, one of my all time favorite things.


Thank you kindly for your time and work on these tutorials.