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Thank you for playing the crabtober contest XD I didn't get to draw a crab every day, but this is definitely more crabs than I would have drawn otherwise. Our last contestants are:

1- Vampire Crab

2- Ghost Crab

3- Halloween Crab and friends~

Feel free to try and name this or any of the previous crabs from Post 1, Post 2 or Post 3 for a chance to win the crab and/or a thrip sticker~

According to the final sketch numbers, nearly everyone who wins a crab will also win a Thrip sticker :] 10 other commenters will also randomly win a sticker as long as you post a comment anywhere by end of the day today~ I'll be contacting winners via Patreon messaging later this week or on the weekend.

Also! We have a new tutorial on the way. I was trying to get it out today but given that it's Halloween I think it might be better to post something more thematically appropriate, which would be another MI comic update. I figure anyone who is here for the tutorials will still be here tomorrow anyhow.

This month's tutorial is about analyzing Patreons to inform and custom build your own... I've been doing mine (with various mistakes and successes) for almost 1.5 years now so I have a LOT to say on the subject. Either way I'm looking forward to posting that for yalls, esp since many of you have Patreons or are looking to launch one.

OKAY well good luck with the contest, you have till today to comment on this or previous posts, so have fun and get some crabs!




Dang these ones are all cute. #1 Midnight Bite #2 Spectacular Ghost (crab) #3 Crabby Halloween


#1 Just a Little Moonlit Walk on the Beach #2 As the jack-o-lantern gazes out in quiet reflection, they all consider how the joys of festivity brought them together this night. (It is still October in my time zone, for a few more minutes heh)