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Development pt 1 is here

Development pt 2 is here

Development pt 3 is here

I settled on the final design for Kallakore about 2 weeks before Chapter 3 went live. The main impetus at that point was that I had a commission to send to John, one of my long-time Patrons, and I wanted to give him a preview of the new character. I think that is the first "real" drawing of Kallakore, and of course I forgot to take a photo, so it's just out there somewhere now XD

Anyhow, all of the previous versions had been more gorilla-like, to push a more not-human-but-maybe-related feeling. I also wanted an animal that showed, externally, strength, while masking what was going on thoughts-wise (sort of like Michael). The character was also originally planned to be an antagonist, even up until a few months ago. Eventually I remembered that every single element in this comic is thematically tied to water and what the heck was I thinking, limiting this creature to a land animal vibe? I definitely still wanted to retain the crest and the hair and the element of strength, but started streamlining the body a bit more and smoothing out the larger shapes. Once I figured out the nose it all started to fall into place, and the crest took on the final fin-like shape as well. I also really liked that counterbalance sort of look in the second-to-last image, which didn't work as well with hands in terms of using consistent shapes, so the last bit was making the hands into longer claws which definitely read more "alien" than before.

So yeah, Kalla took over a year to figure out, and continues to evolve in real-time, characterization-wise. This is also why I prefer to be an indie artist... this sort of seat-of-your-pants editing is probably not easy to explain when you're in the middle of a more traditionally produced project. Like I mentioned, Kalla herself was meant to be an antagonist originally. The story is primarily a story about dealing with mental illness, and the struggle to thrive despite personal challenges. Originally Kalla's role was to be the placating voice, the one that tells you that what you are doing is good enough. You'll notice that in a way, this is still her role, I have just modified it so that she is not doing it intentionally. Because I don't think that people who offer this advice do so to be harmful, but it can lead to a person making excuses for things that, with effort, might actually be overcome (or maybe not!! it's complicated).

Despite my editing, she was always intended to be a siren, something that draws you to danger despite its beauty. I am really glad that Kalla turned out the way she did, and I do think she is beautiful too! For a nearly-extinct Martian armshark, of course :]

"Sweet coupled airs we sing.

No lonely seafarer

holds clear of entering

our green mirror"

- the Odyssey (Fitzgerald translation)



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