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You can get the tutorial here and the supplement here. The supplement this month has a bunch of questions to challenge the effectiveness of your face acting, body acting, acting convincingness, and some meta creator considerations as usual!

Anyways, hope you like them. And hope you have a nice long holiday, if you're in the US. I will not be having a holiday because I don't have those anymore, and hopefully will have two pages up over the weekend. General update and recap coming on Monday and then we're back to normal schedule hopefully~

See you then



D. Alfonso

Question! Would you be intereted in putting these tutorials together at some point, and sell them on Gumroad or something along those lines? Due to some job fluctuation I've missed some (if not all) of these, but would love to see them. I know you do it this way to avoid people grabbing them all and de-patreon-izing (word?). TL;DR Will they all be available someplace at some point?

Der-shing Helmer

Hi Damaris! Yeah, they definitely will be. The way I'm doing it is that all existing tutorials are available to $5 patrons at all times, along with all of the other $5 content. So right now folks have access to the last 4 months of tutorials. $10 patrons have access, for roughly a month, to the supplement worksheet, which tends to run in the 9-11 page range. This supplement covers the material in the tutorial in a practical way that applies to a persons' own work. These take me a while to make and I'm worried about people scooping them, so they go down at the end of the month (but are available to anyone who was pledged at that time forever, they just need to PM me and I'll send them a copy). After 6 months, I'll be releasing the tutorial of that month for free, at a slightly smaller resolution than the one provided here. So, in November I'll be releasing the first tutorial from June, and so on. That way Patrons will have had access for at least 6 months before the general public. I'll also be selling a pack that includes the full-resolution tutorial as well as the worksheet at the same time that the public post goes up, so anyone who wants access to that month's worksheet only doesn't have to subscribe monthly (but they still have to wait 6 months). So all of that starts in November XD I think the system will work out ok but I guess we'll see~ Oh, and if you want to see some of my older tutorials just to get a sense of their style, you can find them here: <a href="http://shingworks.deviantart.com/gallery/53430455/Tutorials" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://shingworks.deviantart.com/gallery/53430455/Tutorials</a>