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Just a small gif preview of the next page in progress~

The tutorial will be up tomorrow! I am mega burned out and I just took another look at what I have, and I think it needs one more round of editing. Since it's the end of the month, please let me know if you are in the situation of having dropped down from the $10+ level; definitely want to make sure you get what you paid for in August! I will get the tutorial/ supplement to you via email instead that way to make sure you get what you're owed. Feel free to PM or tweet or whatever is easiest for you. Everyone else can just pick up those materials tomorrow when they're posted :] As a further apology, I'll be reuploading the supplement from May for the month so anyone who doesn't have that yet can nab it.

August was a really tough month, bf's dad passed, we had an (indoors, agh) termite infestation followed by a plumbing thing with water leaking through the ceiling, plus KS stress party... basically I lost half my month to non-work stuff and I'm really sorry if that affected any of you! That said, I did my damndest to get 12 pages out this month, and we'll have that by this Friday with another Meek update. September will hopefully be less stressful... maybe... haha. It gets better from there and I can get to work on fulfilling my backlog!

TLDR: Tutorial and supplement up tomorrow! MI page up soon after, then TM page on Friday. Everything has been delivered after all, just 3 days late. And it's my birthday tomorrow XD My life is a disaster but thank you for believing in me!




Pants? Where are his *legs*?


Happy birthday, Der-shing! I hope September is nicer to you than August was. :)