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Hi guys,

Just wanted to say sorry for the lack of comic updates, I've been busy with the Kickstarter for sure but a lot of my focus has also been on my SO; his father was recently in a very bad car accident. Unfortunately after a few stressful weeks in the ICU, he passed away tonight, and obviously my largest priority has shifted to supporting my partner and his family. I'm not a huge fan of public oversharing but I felt like I should let you guys know that this is an abnormal situation. I understand it's probably very frustrating for you to have to keep waiting for (paid) content from me, and I generally try to keep it positive around here and not focus too much on negative life details, but there's not much to be done about these bad times.

I'm nearly done with the next updates for both MI and TM, and also have my supporter emails to send, but I'm going out of town for [undefined time period] and not sure how much work I can do. I know the past few weeks have been shaky and I want to assure you that I'm keeping track of everything I owe. Once the dust settles from this confluence of events, probably in a few days, I'll get back to focusing on my comic responsibilities to you all. If I find some time to work and update in between then, I'll do it at that point.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,




Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear it. Please, take all the time you need. :(


Take the time you need, and especially to take care of yourself, because that can easily fall in priority when you're looking after someone else. It's a long process, but I hope the family recovers well over time.