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The 11-page supplement worksheet that goes along with this month's tutorial is available at the link for this month!

The new tutorial for July is here~ This month's topic is about researching for comics. A lot of my readers enjoy that I integrate realistic concepts into my work. Some of that has to do with my science background, but most of it has to do with knowing what to research, how to get that information, and then how to learn it fast enough and well enough that it strengthens the my work :] All of this is easy to learn, especially if you know where to go to find what you need!

This month's supplement is extremely example based, and I'm trying to make it as challenging as I can as well to really test your ability to research creatively. In addition to looking for information, the supplement will prompt you to search (and reverse-search) for visuals as well. The last thing you want is for your art to look like you were drawing all your references from the same well as every other artist. The better your ability to hunt out interesting and unique visuals and concepts, the more interesting your work will be to others. Looking forward to getting that up for you guys soon.

Anyways, hope you like this tut! Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if you spot a typo XD I wrote and rewrote and read and reread this thing so many times but I always miss one or two.

PS In case you need a headache/ missed out on that sick reference

Patreon Tutorial Series



Blue Delliquanti

"Eat a bug and for the love of god please tell me what it tastes like" BBBB3


For academic articles and etc, you can also try <a href="http://network.bepress.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://network.bepress.com/</a> which has scholarly work organized by discipline, and you can read the full-text materials for free. :3