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Sorry for being so offline this month, I've been working like crazy but can't really show much of it yet... art above is a little preview for a comic I'm finishing up now for the Elements anthology coming soon to KS. The book has a strong red/ fire/ passion theme, so what choice did I have but to do a scifi comic about the great storms of Jupiter? haha, so predictable... also did a guest cover for a friend's webcomic, some merch stuff, Meek KS stuff, 1:1 tutoring... things that take a lot of time but can't show... 

But what WILL be coming to you in the next few days are

  • this months' tutorial/ worksheets (likely up tomorrow!)
  • comics livestream (also probably tomorrow or next week)
  • nine pages of lettered comics pencils and sketches from both MI and TM that I wasn't able to get to this month. This will be accompanied by some story and thumbnailing process notes just to spice it up a little and tie into the tutorial content as well

A note about the tutorials/ worksheets: if you are on the .PDF/ .PSD worksheet tier, make sure you grab them soon~ I will be removing the downloadable supplement files once this months' worksheet is available. You can also get these files from me any time in the future just by PMing me if you were a Patron during the period it was available; this is just a precautionary measure to prevent future jerks from coming in and scooping months of work to repost for free elsewhere.

Last, July is going to be insane update month of me having cleared my table of all my extra work in June. I don't know if it will be possible, but I'm going to attempt 12+9= 21 updates in July, which is an average of 5 pages per week? I keep thinking, "this is what the pros do!" Followed by "the pros do not do all the art and all the writing themselves! You idiot!" Haha I guess we'll find out together :D :D



Duke BG

You are the real webcomic pro. "How pros do it" is definied by how you do it! p.s. 21 updates per month sounds crazy either way D:

Der-shing Helmer

lol... to be honest the part that requires the most mental power is the thumbnailing and pencilling, the rest is just time-consuming. So hopefully I can power through the first 9 quickly and build some momentum for the new 12 due in July. "Real" comic artists generally can produce a full floppy's worth of work (24ish pages) per month, but I guess they also have help most of the time... oh well, another experiment~