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LEVi is a levitating imager! Developed by the extreme robotics company Ascension Drive, this robot who captures images and geological data in places that would otherwise be inaccessible by humans. Previous versions of LEVi have been utilized on Earth in mostly volcanic, extreme cold, and extreme depth environments. Despite all of this, LEVi doesn't really go underwater, which probably would have been a nice feature. HINDSIGHT

LEVi is unique among other robots of his kind in that he was developed to have both artificial intelligence and a personality that is mostly based upon curiosity for his surroundings and a desire to learn. The reasoning there is that LEVi, despite his modifications, might find himself in dangerous offline situations where he is forced to make a judgement call... in that case he would react to the situation based not only on an analysis of the threat to his "person" but also weigh the importance of collecting that potentially important info for further research.

Due to his affable nature, he has become fairly popular in media, and a line of toy drones with rudimentary features (camera, basic conversational skills, projector, etc) was even based off of his design. It is all very very good PR, haha. But more importantly he is helping kids develop an interest in exploration and science, even as he sucks the fun part of the job away from people like Michael, haha.


The above concepts shows the current LEVi's forms (flying and standing). We saw the older model in Chapter 1, who was mostly powered down. The actual version is usually faceless but can create emote-like expressions when necessary. Yes, I saw the film Moon and I liked it very much. Both models, like the rest of the elements in this story, follow a water theme... in this case a manta ray, which imo is a very friendly-looking underwater flyer. I thought it would be nice to pull some of those elements in here as well.

There will be more LEVi posts down the line once we get a better feel for him but I thought it'd be fun to start off with just the basics~




What's his propulsion method when airborne?

Der-shing Helmer

My caveat is that I had a really hard time researching low-atmosphere/ reduced-gravity flying since... it doesn't super exist atm... but likely cold gas thruster

Joie Foster

So cute... heart hurts!! :D <3