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Just saying thanks :] And to let you know that all the support pages have been updated with the $10 Patrons from April. Also above are some of the 9-month complimentary/ gift icons and the commission icons from April and May! I am not kidding when I say that you guys are cute as hell.

By the way, Patreon is now offering a new system wherein new patrons are charged immediately, and can access their rewards right away... I have not updated my own settings yet, however. I have a ton of stuff I'm juggling at the moment and I don't think I'd be able to fulfill a previous month's rewards in addition to the current month; at least, not until I get some work off my plate. I am anticipating switching over sometime in late June or July though, and will let you know beforehand! Either way the switch should not affect any current patrons in any way, just any future new ones, but I figure I'd give you a heads up anyhow since I've seen a few other artists switching over and talking about the changes.

For the rest of the month my Patrons can look forward to a bunch of comic updates, the tutorial (I'm 1/2 done atm), a secret thing that I'm testing that $5+ patrons will get in on for free this month, and any previews of the other stuff I'm doing that I'm allowed to share~~ Thank you again for following and I'll see you soon with future updates!




Every single one of these is adorable (but in my completely unbiased opinion, the spider is the cutest)

Alisa Bishop

Aah I'm up there! Thank you again for doing these, they are all so great :D