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With relative sizes

Maybe this is spoilery, if you care about what gender or age Kallakore is. Either way you're reading this so it's probably too late, haha. Don't worry, it doesn't affect the plot. To be honest it probably won't even show up in the comic at all given all my editing down, but you can read about it~

There are three sexes

  • Major female: these are females who can produce other major females as well as males. Heavier bodies to accommodate the rigors of pregnancy, built very much for defensiveness. Looked down upon as relics, somewhat, because of a recent societal lack of interest in procreation, and because their bodies are seen as somewhat unwieldy. They are perceived as being slow and standoffish.
  • Minor females: these are females who can produce only other minor females. Most of the population is made up of minor females, who are very hardy and powerful, sort of a mix of the best qualities of both the bulky majors and lithe males. Definitely built for success. Despite their diminutive name they are found at the upper echelons in almost every field. 
  • males: just males. They are smaller overall than either majors or minors and have more powerful jaws. Often treated more as children, which is unfair since many males are just as capable as females... Tend to gravitate towards more creative fields.
  • adolescents are spotted, probably a relic from ancient times when they needed camouflage from dangers in the sky. Usually spend their childhood grasping onto their mothers until they have developed enough arm strength to pull themselves out of the nursery on their own.

They are viviparous and give birth underwater, like whales, necessitating a journey to the surface for baby's first respiration. Depending on region their crest can be any variety of shape, though some sort of spatulate or forked shape is more common. And depending on the general fashion trends of the era, crests might be artificially reduced or engorged to be hip or whatever, damn kids.

Thanks to Brad for asking about sexual dimorphism more than once so that I felt like it would be interesting to talk about.




Please, more background! This is great!

Lilian Stoltzfus

Lovely! The possibilities of sexual dimorphism/sexes are a fascinating thing. Since wollaria give birth to one or two offspring at a time, this implies a heavy investment in the success of each individual child. How do wollaria gestate their babies? A placenta? How do they feed their young? Can newborns be sexed right away? Do wollaria have external genitalia? Just what do their reproductive tracts look like? How do the males and major/minor females interact? What is considered proper sexual behavior? Does a male have to choose between a major mate or a minor mate? Is there any sort of pair bonding?

Der-shing Helmer

Haha, good questions... Yes, the investment is pretty heavy. Minor Wollaria usually do not produce more than one offspring. Major Wollaria may have one or two, though two children are awkward (rare triplets are considered very unlucky). Offspring are traditionally carried on the underside of the body (babies can cling from an early age) if being raised more traditionally/ aquatically, most mothers will go on a cushy amphibious "sabbatical" for the first weeks of rearing to bond and strengthen their child, or head to the ocean if their means are lower. And Wollaria are viviparous; babies subsist via histophagy/ secretions when very young and are fed directly by their mother after a week or two. Sex is pretty obvious from build alone, since the build and nascent crest of a young female Major is much different than that of a minor. As for the rest, yeah, they have a cloaca like structure, which isn't culturally shamed (still Kalla is more naked than she would be in her own time). I have no idea about the specific anatomy but a pregnant Wollaria carries the weight fairly centrally so they don't tip over (but usually rest just in case... after all they are descended from aquatic animals and aren't fully amazingly adapted for land). Wollarian society in general has a negative view about child rearing in Kalla's era. It's seen as very archaic and pointless, especially given the level of automation and technology their society has achieved. Having a child or being excited about children is sort of like being excited about owning a kinkajou or something, your neighbors might be interested but they'd possibly view it as some attention-desperate affectation. Like, kids aren't ~necessary~. Sex and procreation are similarly less interesting to a lot of modern Wollaria. Most sexual needs can be achieved perfectly with machinery, and expecting a partner to be able to emulate that level of perfection is sort of ridiculous. Birth rates are extremely low, and after the oceans started going they dropped even further. To be honest, even if the bombardment hadn't happened, they may have driven themselves extinct within a few dozen more generations out of ennui alone.