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Rana is the eldest daughter of Emperor Luca deSadar and the late Phe deSadar.

The Emperor doesn't have the best relationship with his children, partially due to having bigger day-to-day priorities in his life, and partially due to not really knowing how to (or wanting) to talk to them. He often treats them like a line item to be managed rather than individuals, but with Rana this lack of intimacy is a little more pronounced; in Pasori culture, it's considered an auspicious sign for your first child to be male, and Rana was an immediate (and very public) failure in that respect.  Their relationship has continued to devolve from that initial disappointment. Additionally, her features are a bit more "traditional" and not as elegant as her mother's. As she grew up she began to look and act a lot more like the Emperor's aunt, who he hates, and hates being reminded of. Not super fair to her, but what can you do. Despite often living in the same building they can easily go for weeks or months without speaking.

For the most part Rana ignores her father and has no problem being ignored by him. She thinks of him as being a stuffy boor at best and an ultraconservative monster at worst, although this is not super accurate... the Emperor was groundbreaking in his time but for as long as she has been alive, he has represented The Establishment. One actively growing point of contention between the two (and a popular talking point among the general public) is her marriage status... in Pasori culture it is fairly common for women to be married off in their early teens. Rana is 19 and, unfortunately, there aren't many (read: any) suitors who are willing to pursue the first child of the Emperor. Another option which was briefly on the table, but which became of Phe's non-negotiable refusals, was for Rana to marry her brother. This is a symbolic gesture practiced among the upper tribes as a way to ensure that unclaimed women from remote areas have a family to live in, but Luca is also pretty strongly against anything that bears any similarity to Carissi practices (unlike the Pasori, Carissi intra-family marriages are often not symbolic (gross)). Currently Rana has no serious formal relationship options available but... life, uh, finds a way.

And, as an aside, Rana is one of my favorite characters to write, just because I enjoy thinking about the actions of people who become trapped by circumstances beyond their control... she can't stand her father and yet is completely defined by him. She would consider herself a good person, but like a lot of young adults is self-centered, inexperienced, angry, and scared of looming adult responsibilities. WHICH are all of the things that Angora is, but with the added burden of her family's history, and without the freedom to make her own choices. Sometimes I wonder if they would be friends if they met... maybe we'll find out one day.



D Pena

just like life, Ian Malcolm found a way into this conversation..

Javier Dehesa

So I'm literally reading months of Patreon posts I had put off due to being busy, so sorry for the ridiculously late comments. Now, I find weird that there no suitors for Rana. Does that mean that there are no men willing to marry her, or none that her family would agree to? I mean, even considering the relationship with her father, the daughter of the emperor sounds like a good match to me. ... Do you happen to have Rana's email or something? Maybe I could write to her and, you know, have some... Meekflix and chill 😏 (omg I'm so sorry for the pun I couldn't help it)