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Hi everyone,

Happy March :] I am imposing on your inbox to say thank you so much for reading and supporting my work. Last month you funded 11/10 comic updates (extra comics, woo), and thanks to hitting the next milestone, I'll be aiming for 13/12 for this one (though 14 would be nicer)!

What do we have in store for Patrons this month? Well... first, Chapter 5 of The Meek will be launching sometime mid-month. I'll be posting a recap of events since it has been several years since we've seen the deSadars. I'll also be posting the 44pg original Chapter 2 sketch comic, just for funzies since I'm not sure it's archived online anymore. At some point in the future I'll release the Chapter 2 bonus comic, and probably start in on some of the stories from The Tide minicomics as well.

Mare Internum will continue chugging along and will receive the bulk of the update attention this month. I pushed to get TM Ch4 finished in Feb to the detriment of the MI schedule, so we'll be getting 9 or so updates there in March. I've been stalling a bit while I research some more technical details that I'm unfamiliar with, but it's time to forge ahead.

But before I do any of that... I need to move, lol. I'm moving again (last time was in Sept) so that'll be probably the rest of this week, sigh. I have to strip wallpaper in three rooms too so that should be really interesting, especially since I don't know how to do it, and my tiny comics arms are weak and useless. Once that's over with though I will have larger than a 3x4ft space to work for 14 hours a day!! My productivity dropped a lot when I moved last time (I hate this apartment) so I'm hoping it will go up now that I have a place to put my legs.

Last, I'm going to be finishing up my sci-fi comic for the Elements Anthology and will probably be posting some of that process work here this month as well! In addition, I'm doing an art test for a thing I can't tell you about but I am ready to cut off my arm to get it. So it's going to be another busy month. I've been slowly reducing the amount of commissions I'm offering here in order to make sure I'm getting all my webcomics work done, but you can see some of the commissioned art (including alien Hiveworks cosplay) from February up above.


And just adding on to the archive of comic pdfs that are available to Patrons new and old:

Looking forward to sharing more stuff with you all!






I'm not a patreon just following you here also from Tapastic XD