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One of the first sketches when I was imagining the new character's reveal. This is probably the character I have done the most iterations of in my life, ever. Originally the silhouette was supposed to pull itself out of a series of jammed-together rocks like a tooth falling out of a mouth, but over the course of a year and a half that scene was rewritten many times to the more simple silhouette tracking from a distance (which, as you may have noticed, is a recurring/ favorite trope of mine, and a direct homage to Bone). Anyways we'll get to know them better soon, and I'm looking forward to posting some of the realllllly bad dev art and story that finally led to the final design.




UMMMM, this is TERRIFYING. (Good job?) I had to do a double take.


Martian Death Broccoli? (broccoli is one of those words that looks wrong no matter how you spell it)