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A look into a pretty typical PSD file! I tend to optimize for fewer layers whenever possible because I dislike clutter :D Lots of clipping masks and layer masks and a few adjustment layers when needed... Personally I love looking at PSDs, so hopefully a few of you find this interesting!

Feel free to rip it apart and do whatever but obviously please don't repost or like... idk, sell my secrets to the Nazis or whatever



Nicholas Swenson

Besides being a very cute, beautiful illustration of Angora, this has helped me with my workflow more than you know! Thank you!

Joie Foster

The prelim folder was particularly interesting since you're able to see how many times you refine a drawing you do before it goes to inks. I also thought it was fascinating to see how you use clipping masks and adjustment layers to accomplish your renderings. *clicking layers on and off over and over* Thanks for sharing!