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What are theeessseee

Check out the ZIP file! These are the wallpapers that were available for a short time to only the most dedicated of readers, who would vote every day to try and acquire a letter. If you voted the entire month, you'd get all the letters, unscramble them, and find not just a new Meekipedia entry, but also email me the word to receive one of these wallpapers! Holy hoops, batman! (and yet hundreds of people emailed in, you readers be crazy)

I'm slightly embarrassed by several things, but mostly that I do not have the original PSDs for any of this art anymore, haha. So this is pretty much it. But for the sake of completion I am putting them all here for you to gawk at. The art is so old! But we'll be getting new stuff soon :] Anyway, have a trip through memory lane.



Annie K

Someone needs to tell Dagre that necks don't bend that way, and maybe he should get that looked at

Purg Knight

Man, I've been using Balrog of Cave Story as a background for so long that I forgot I could use other things. Now Dagre and Luca are having a powwow under my icons!