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A preview of tomorrow's MI update, it's a bit different than other pages I've done before... trying for a visualization of pain and anxiety.

I always base my idea of pain off of a near-death experience I had a few years ago. I got to experience an entire night where the pain was so bad that I sort of lost control of my body and don't really remember actively doing things, I just sort of ended up on the bathroom floor, or distantly watched myself clawing at my own skin trying to make a lighter pain that would distract from the black hole in my intestines, etc. Being lost inside a pain that large kind of reminds me of running or hiking long distances; your brain becomes a passive observer of its surroundings and retreats into a pointless chant or rhythm to pass the time while the body does it's thing.

That's just my experience though, haha, either way it is kind of fun to try and comic-fy it, since I'm much more of a literal artist and don't know much about abstraction.
