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My favorite page :']

Pretty self-explanatory, I suppose. A horrid bluethrip and the true hero of our story, LEVi, start a new generation of Martians... these a promising shade of green?

LEVi was designed to be gold because (in my head, not really laid out in the story) the Processor used parts of LEVi's original body to build his new one, especially since the original LEVi was not as complex/ more intuitive to build than an organic creature like Kalla. So he gets a little bit of gold from the insulation built in, and who knows what else is going on in that strange little body of his. 

Do the babies have the gold in them too? Did they fail the directive to Keep Mars Red? is they about to overrun the planet and make it completely unliveable with annoying noises and questions? the answer to all of those is: probably

TBH I kept things vague, but personally I wanted "Kalla" to "die" at the end. I think her time was well past, and as much as I enjoyed writing her and believing in her/ Processor, if you extrapolate a little further there was just no real way for Kallakore as a being to survive. She can't live on the surface. She would have probably been treated like a research subject the rest of her terrible life in any case... there was no way for Mike and Bex to escape that wouldn't dramatically reduce the quality of Kalla's life, esp once separated from the Processor. I have some internal ideas about what happened to Processor but at least we know that some small part of old Mars has survived to see a bright new future, hopefully on their own terms.


 Mike's End page here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32013657 

 Bex's End page here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31948832 




So they settled down and raised some Thriplets? :D


This was the most heart-warming of the epilogue pages for me.