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Etan, like a lot of mixed-race persons, never felt truly comfortable or accepted amongst his peers. Resigned to feeling like a perpetual outsider, he decided to go to Caris as a theological student and missionary and fully immerse himself in a new surrounding. He was surprised to find that he was considered more of a curiosity by the locals than a threat (or, as he often felt in the Territories, an

awkward social burden). He eventually settled in the largest southernmost coastal city of Copazeki to enjoy his new life as an oddity.

It was there that he met Tanome, during one of his late night walks along the beach. Tanome, one of the younger members of the city guard, had grown up feeling the exact opposite of Etan: a cog in the machine, indistinguishable from the next. Despite his somewhat dry academic background, she was enthralled by how different and new everything about him was... a Santri Generalist with Pasori blood? A large and imposing man with that animalistic Northern look, but who would come visit late at night to bring her flowers and recite poetry? (she didn't realize until later that he was half-wooing and half-trying to convert her) Her parents would be soooo pissed if they started dating. A few years later they were married.

Tanome is an aggressive but otherwise unexceptional member of the guard, still

quite low ranking after five years and often posted "way out in left field", which worked somewhat to their advantage as disturbing news began to trickle down from the capital. Fearing for Etan's safety and determined to get ahead of the inevitable wave of deserters, the two managed to escape the city undetected and make their way onto, and then off of, the dangerous road leading to the Southern wilds.



Duke BG

Oh my, i love everything about this!