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First off... I'm gonna start posting bonus story/ dev stuff for both comics here and there... If you don't like receiving email notifications for these, click on Edit Account, then click X where applicable to mute them~

Dr. Young-Jin Braid is a Korean-American programmer working on the LEVi project with Dr. Fisher. Despite being at Devotion for several years, Braid is the only character that doesn't show up in the comic at any point. She was transferred by the company they work both for, Ascension Drive, to continue on the same project in a different location following Mike's firing. I based her off of one of my current roommates who IN REAL LIFE programs ISS robots for NASA (scream) (we have an completely awkward relationship where every time I talk to her in the kitchen or whatever I start normally, then devolve into rabid fangirling, haha). Anyway, in addition to stealing roomie's job for Braid, I stole a similar first name for her too, lol. So much of making characters is just stealing disparate shit and mashing it together (pro tip: call it "inspiration" or "homage"). 

Mike and Braid actually got along ~famously~ both on Earth and Mars, which is strange because Mike is notoriously hard to work with. This was mostly because Braid is very blunt and data oriented. Mike has a complete disinterest in social cues/ emotional nuances (not autism spectrum btw, he just doesn't care), so no-frills communication works really well for them. Also because Braid is hot and dtf. After years of professional distance they finally got around to boning for a few months, but then some shit happened and next you thing you know you're fired and fallen down some unlikely Mars cave.



Duke BG

i thought her dead v_v

Der-shing Helmer

Yeah, I have that as a note to fix XD A bit too vague. He was meant to sound terse because he was getting sent home and she got to stay, but I guess it sounded more like she died or something.


Maaan I love the side characters they're so interesting on their own, some bebop stuff here~ hope we get to know about the rest of the crew soon!