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Maybe this is kind of a dick thing to say but I don't really like stories about hope, where hope saves the day. Sort of feels to me like one is relying on something unlikely happening, a confluence of events that ideally works out in your future. Relying on chance feels like desperation to me, which like I said is kind of dickish but that's just my perspective. 

Curiosity has gotten me through before though. There's always a part that just wants to know how it turns out, even if it does me no good.

This was never intended to be a book about universal experiences, so I don't know if everyone will feel anywhere close to what I do, but I didn't want Bex to put her faith in hope. She did mess up and she really doesn't have the right to expect good things to come of her actions. But I wanted her to be open to the chance of one day resolving the issues she caused. Even if it didn't work out for her, I wanted her to be willing to own what she did. and not shield herself in the assumption that she deserves a happy ending just because she understands her mistake.



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