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I've been kinda majorly absent from Patreon because finishing Mare has been such a huge stress and weight on my back, I haven't been able to work on anything else without feeling tremendous guilt and it really shows in my lack of posts here... HOWEVER, I'm back now!!!

I'm going to be posting page 3 days ahead for all $5+ Patrons starting in like 3 mins and then on every update day on the Mare site, you'll get an advanced page here too until the end of the comic. 

I have some plans in store for Patreon now that I have my free time back! The major one is the realization that I don't like my workflow. My favorite comics time of my life was probably back on Livejournal, posting 1-2  pencil and marker sketch pages every night and talking them over with a small group of readers. It was a fast and organic way to work and I really miss it. Then I thought, well, why not just use Patreon for that? So that's going to start soon. Instead of diving immediately back in to The Meek on the main site, I'm going to sketch and post the entire chapter 6 here first, as fast as my stupid hands will let me. I'm hoping to have a fun time and also share some of the real art and story concepting work that I can't share as easily with my digital process. 

Anyways I'll make a more formal post after I'm done with modifying this page and some tier things, will probably just simplify it a lot and shove everything I do into the 2 and 5 buck tiers. More tutorials, I still have a nice file on my desktop with all the suggestions you've made and I am super excited to work on something that isn't this comic lol. 

Also: apologies if you've sent me a message recently, I have been swamped in a major way. Will get back to you this upcoming week~

Some more comic pages soon, and then more comics and stuff after that. Glad to be back and will post again soon~




Welcome back! *hugs*

Weston L. H.

Aw heck yeah! That sounds like a blast! I'm glad you're figuring out a flow that's fun for you!