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I am moving soon, and doing a book sale to cut down the weight a bit more... all my books are currently 15% off but you guys can take another 10% off by using the code:


We have to drive 8-10 hours with the cat in the car... he can go about 8-10 seconds before he starts freaking out inside his carrier so we're going to the vet this weekend to find out more about cat drugs T__T They apparently make valium and other meds for stressed pets. All I can think of is this happening to my stupid baby, oh god lol. Apparently we have to test drugs on him at home first to determine a safe amount so I'm going to be like... slipping roofies to my cat this weekend 

Code will be valid until 5/8 when the sale ends. I'll be throwing extra stuff in any Patron orders too~ thanks for looking

I want the move to be over OTL haha. Any of you guys live in the San Diego area? we'll be neighbors soon... 




I had to move with a carrier-resistant cat! My boyfriend and I handled a couple hours of constant caterwauling before we had to pull over in the daunting face of making it from Texas to New York that way. I wasn't expecting her to enjoy it but I sort of expect her to tucker out.... nooooope. Feliway may have helped, but what really settled her down was making a little cat nest where she could lay down on the backseat and putting her in a harness with the leash attached to some kind of baby carrier hook on the seatback. She was free to roam the back but unable to get into the front and couldn't escape into the wild when we made pitstops. She was still very unhappy but it was far more tolerable that way! And no kitty-valium.


We had to take our cat to a vet treatment 5 hours away, and she absolutely hates carriers and cars. Our local vet recommended the kitty sedative for her trip, so we gave her the recommended dose for the trip there. She was pretty much her normal self, except a bit sleepier. She still meowed and stuff, but her eyes were big and glassy and she just looked high (but not dopey). We got her a large crate-like carrier for the ride home and seat-belted it in (so it has wires, but it's not enclosed really at all and she had a good 360 view of everything). We decided against the drugs, because she was her normal, loud self on them (just more tired), and it actually worked out well. Turns out she hates being enclosed (and can't be free or she gets under the driver's feet or on their head), so she was happy and we were happy. If the kitty sedative had worked, we'd definitely have done it again on the trip back, though. It's tough when they don't like the car, but there is no choice. (We moved 5 hours away from our last place with her, and that car ride was hell on wheels. Never. again.)

Der-shing Helmer

Thanks for the info! We were thinking of getting the cat a crate meant for a small dog (the wire kind) because he hates the enclosed one so much. He's also a pretty big boy so I'm also worried that the sedatives might not do much. I just don't want him to be too stressed ;__; I have a feeling this is gonna be a tough day.

Der-shing Helmer

Good to know for sure. I don't know if a cat leash would work on our cat because he's so heavy-bodied and thrashy when he's mad, esp since I've read bigger cats can break free of even the chest harnesses if they're pissed enough. I would die if he escaped or something. But good to know that the open air might be more helpful so we can get an appropriate enclosure for the trip~