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Hi hi, I'm deep in crunch... been pulling 16 hour days the last 2 months and have to get an insane, likely impossible amount of work done in the next 20 days, haha. In all likelihood will fail and miss my deadline, but sometimes that's just how it goes. A big part of being an artist, and a human, is going through these rougher times with a good attitude. It's nice to have the opportunity to really do my best and know I'll pass or fail based on my own merit.

I'm picking off some random tasks today, including the final chapter break/ cover designs for the book. I had to make a lot of weird choices for the comic because of the web (the purple borders on all the pages, for example)... Part of that meant that I had to use white backgrounds on the web version of the covers, but I'd always intended this to be as dark-toned a work as possible, so it's nice to finally see them in their final form. 

It's also nice because I get to see how all the covers work as a whole, which I don't usually get to do. From the beginning the setting was meant to seem infinite, like a person could easily become lost in it. The covers carry the theme through continually dwarfing the humans... They're always supposed to look like ants being engulfed in a world they can't see every part of...

Want to talk shop? sure let's do it. The compositions here are pretty simple, but meant to show the tone of each chapter and how the characters relate to it. Chapter 1 has the shield volcano bisecting the plane off center to give a bit of tension and a looming presence. Chapter 2 has a heavy downwards V motion to show where we're going. Chapter 3 has got our little ants going up and down a harsh sawtooth, not really certain where they are going or coming from. Chapter 4 gets a bit more defiant with some dangers in the fore but armed Bex surveying past it in hopes of escaping. And last, our friendo processor goes straight up and down to mimic the vertical in Chapter 2, and along that vertical the eye is supposed to be able to go either way, up or down, which is kind of where the story is at this point too. 

I still have a bit of detailing and adjusting to do on these so I'll get back to that now :] thanks for coming to my ted talk 



Sarah Schanze

Take care of yourself! I love seeing behind the scenes of these updates and edits, though. I love the simplicity and and story telling of those covers.


These look amazing!