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Hi guys!

First, a little preview of Chapter 6 of The Meek. Outstanding will begin next year, after the conclusion of Mare Internum in Q1 of 2018.

Next, you might have heard about the update to Patreon's fee structure. I strongly disagree with this plan. If it was an option, I would absorb any increased costs on my end to avoid doing damage to any of you. Maybe I'm being too optimistic for 2017, but I'm hoping that Patreon will listen to the outpouring of criticism for this new plan and allow me to shoulder that cost on your behalf. This change takes place on the 18th (a little under 2 weeks from now), so please be aware of that. If you don't agree with their new policy, leave them a comment here under the option "get help" (since they aren't reading or responding to "share feedback" notifications evidently).

During these few years on Patreon I have put out more comics than I have ever done before in my life, but most of all it has allowed me to form a tighter bond with you, my loyal readers. I'll do my best to voice my concerns about the implementation of this new fee structure and if Patreon doesn't respond to us, I will readjust my tier pricing to relieve this added stress on you guys. I will also try to find a reasonable mirror/ alternative for those who wish to continue supporting these comics and receiving bonus materials, but don't feel comfortable using this site anymore. Not right this moment, since this news hit only yesterday, but I'm looking at my options (for those asking about Paypal, I do have one, but I also do want to deliver bonus material to you if you don't mind waiting for me to figure this out). 

In any case I'm going to continue updating here normally for now. November was a horrid month for me health-wise but I've recovered, have new tutorial materials on the way, and have a lot of shoptalk about the current anthology work I'm doing behind the scenes. And of course, more comics.

Thank you so much for all of your support of my work so far, I will do my best to give as much back to you has you've given to me.





;;;0;;; Look at their Twitter replies: <a href="https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/938827696850661376" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/938827696850661376</a>


You can find a direct link to a petition protesting this change in the post creators "Meg Syv & Yoko Weaver" created about the fee changes. I thought I had already posted here with that link, but it looks like Patreon might have deleted it, so I'm afraid to link it again... In fact, I wrote comments on a bunch of my creator's posts about this change, all of which have disappeared. Each contained a link to that petition Meg Syv linked, and a link to a cost comparison calculator that Dammit Ryan created (it can be found in his comment to "Isa and Meg, The Namesake Team", if you'd like to try it - I don't want to put any links in this comment, in case that was an issue). That calculator showed that my $40 pledge to about 35 creators has been getting about $36 to the creators, with the rest going to admin costs and card fees. The new fee structure will costs me about $13 more, and about $38 (of my $40 pledge) will go to the creators. So, $2 more to creators and over $10 in admin costs get piled on me. This is inequitable. And the disappearance of my posts does NOT make me feel much happier with Patreon!