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SUP GUYS, the Pacing Tutorial and Supplement Worksheets are finally both up! The worksheet this month comes with a autofilling spreadhseet and chart to make pacing analysis a bit easier, yayy.

Gonna do a poll for the next tutorial subject very soon. What would you like to see the most? Leave a comment and like other comments to let me know! Patron Tym P. had his topic chosen last time, the next one could be ~~you~~ woaaaoowww

In other news... time for a general state of the union! In the past month:

  • well today: found out I am nominated for an Ignatz for The Meek, I can't believe it ;__;
  • comic updates back up to 10x a month
  • had our first tutorial stream using the Patreon Livestream system, which evidently self-archives... I think it went pretty okay!
  • did/ am doing a small pin Kickstarter that ends next week (with all stretch rewards unlocked, plus a bonus gift for yalls Patrons ofc)
  • made a lot of headway on secret projects~~
  • a million other things, approximately

And coming up:

  • moar comics
  • I'm a guest at Boise Library Comic Con, for anyone in Idaho(??)
  • I'm ALSO a guest at the upcoming Rose City Comic Con in Sept!
  • launching my first anthology! 
  • my birthday... I think I'm gonna balayage my hair, haha >__<

Exciting times. Anyhow, feel free to throw out some tutorial topics in the comments and I'll let you know when the poll is up! And as ever, thank you so much for your support of my work :]



Genevieve Hammang

If you're still taking suggestions, then I'd love to see a tutorial about designing creatures! Kalla and Dagre are some of my favorite designs and it'd be really interesting to see how your background in biology played into their development